
It’s always a strange feeling on the first real day of finals because the building completely clears out except for just a couple of kids. I got a lot accomplished today, though. My room is looking sad, but I’m feeling pretty good about my progress so far. I’m sure I’ll still end up in some kind of panic at some point (typical when I’m packing), but at this point, I’m feeling okay šŸ™‚

The best of today was dinner and frozen yogurt with one of my coworkers. We try to go out a couple of times a month, and today was the best because there isn’t some assignment or lesson plan running through my mind. I was able to completely relax and not freak out about making sure I was going o get home in time to pack my lunch and still make it to bed by 9:30. Haha. I can’t wait for summer and more relaxing evenings šŸ™‚

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